Tuesday, March 13, 2018

What happened to Spring?

I'm sitting here looking out at a vast sea of white snow, thinking of all the thousands of seedlings we have growing in the hoophouse, and wondering how the timing is going to work out if temps fall back into the teens next week.  Yikes. One thing I've learned is that we don't give enough credit to the survival factor of cold weather plants - I'll bet the kale, spinach, chervil and parsley are going to do just fine, with a little help from another layer of remay. Fingers crossed.  We've had a tough beginning so far with voracious moles and a very determined rabbit. Caught the little bunny in a have-a-heart trap and relocated to a far end of the farm.  Happy to report our seedlings this year look awesome - both greens and flowers.  Transplanting soon and harvesting spinach and kale that have overwintered.  Stay tuned for a picture of the tulips, which are up 6 inches and growing fast!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Happy New Year and Welcome 2018!!


Why does the new year always seem to slide in there and before you know it, second week already.  It's been really wonderful to have some time off and enjoy the snow and the stillness of winter. Time off....that's a matter of speaking of course, because really that means that physically we've slowed down at the farm but mentally we're working overtime on planting plans and new market ideas and dreaming of new greens and flowers to try out for the year.  I'm so excited to welcome Johanna and Emily to the Unity Farm team this year - it's all girl power folks! Well, still have the boys for horsepower and Trooper as the male mascot......and ace mouser patroller. 

We're taking orders for greens for restaurants and grocery stores, and welcome anyone who wants to have flowers this summer for an event to let us know. Looking forward to a wonderful, joyful and very productive new year and  hoping the same for you too.