I'm delighted to announce that Unity Farm's greens, flowers and hay field are now officially certified organic by Vermont Organic Farmers (VOF). We are proud to carry the logo on our products and look forward to having new labels that say we are certified organic. That is one of many good things that came out of being in the hospital - I actually sat down and filled out all the paperwork required for the certified organic application!
The heart transplant happened very quickly and I was home by Good Friday. In fact, I got a heart 4 1/2 hours after being listed, which is the fastest in Mass General's history. The recovery has been going smoothly and I'm about 3 weeks ahead of the usual recovery schedule. Must be all the great energy from the farm, right?! Looks like we'll be heading to Boston for the stem cell transplant around June 27th, and then I'll be in the hospital for 3-4 weeks after that. By the end of July the majority of health issues will be over and we can start looking forward to rebuilding for a whopper of a year in 2017. In the meantime, we've been planting windbreaks of edible shrubs like elderberry, currant and hazelnut, planting more perennials, planting cover crops, mowing and working the horses. Starting to feel like summer already and so glad to be out enjoying the outdoors.